March 28, 2015

Tange by Tange

Tange by Tange 1949-1959 : Kenzo Tange as Seen Through the Eyes of Kenzo Tange

This exhibition in Gallery MA is ending tomorrow. It is a free admission exhibits negative film that was taken by Kenzo Tange in his early years. Beginning with his debut project, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 1953, to Kagawa Prefectural Government Office 1958, and some others of his trip to several places such as Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto. In this exhibition, more than 70 original contact sheets are out in public for the first time. We can see Tange’s red trimming lines on some of the film, allowing us to see his traces. To see what he saw through his lens, we can see what had he been interested in architecture at that time, or in that project.

What I like most about the exhibition is that they made a timeline up on the wall, streaming Tange’s works and what else are happening in the world. Since he was one of the most significant architects of the 20th century who was in the same era as many other modern pioneers. Even he have passed away for 10 years now, his works still continue to influence a lot of people in our generation.

Gallery MA : Nogizaka Station Exit 3

: iPhone5s with some adjustment

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