December 01, 2014

Summer Fireworks

Even though the leaves have already changed colour and started to fall since it is Autumn now, I still love to share the memory of Japanese fireworks back in Summer.

In Tokyo, the weather was getting hotter from June through August, the peak was in August. Fireworks festival began along with the Summer period. Some were representing, "Hey, it's Summer!", some were "Summer is ending now."

Japanese people are very sensitive to the change of season. There are seasonal foods, fruits, drinks, special dishes, activities, clothes, ceremonies, and the endless list in my opinion. I've learnt in college that maybe it was the fact that they are living on an island where natural disasters are so common to their daily life, for example, earthquake.

This year, I was happened to be just in time for a firework in Nikko. It wasn't a huge festival compared to one I've seen in Tokyo. In Tokyo, most of the festival were big and super crowded, after the last shooting firework, people were scrambled for a train back home. But in Nikko, people seems like they walked from their home to attend the festival. The atmosphere was much more cosy, and yet fun.

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